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Lapshyn O. O. 
Industrial research on dust trapping efficiency by the fiber filter in aspiration shelters of reloading units = Промислові дослідження ефективності вловлювання пилу волоконним фільтром в аспіраційних укриттях перевантажувальних вузлів / O. O. Lapshyn, V. A. Shapovalov, M. V. Khudyk, O. L. Shepel // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 2. - С. 101-106. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

Purpose - upgrading the efficiency of dedusting at workplaces of the iron ore crushing and sorting plants by means of a fiber filter in aspiration shelters, reducing dust deposits in aspiration pipelines and load on filters of aspiration installations. Monitoring of the dustiness level in the working area of the crushing and sorting plant and determination of the dust trapping efficiency through a fiber filter were carried out on the base of the standardized technique methodical instructions 4436-87 "Dust gravimetric determination in the work area and in ventilation systems". For this purpose, a dust trapping device consisting of a filter holder (allonge), a set of AFA filters from a hydrophobic material of the FPP grade, an aspirator and a flow meter was used. Relatively high efficiency of dust trapping (coarse dust trapping in particular) with a fiber filter for aspiration shelters of iron ore reloading units at the crushing and sorting plant was confirmed. A fiber filter enables to reduce the dustiness of working zone air for machinists of the technological equipment by almost 45 %. The laboratory-made dependence of the iron ore dust trapping efficiency of a fiber filter of the nylon and polyvinylchloride double curtains with different surface charges in the aspiration shelters of the reloading units on the distance between the curtains in the filter was demonstrated. Completed research shows the dust trapping efficiency of a fiber filter made of double nylon and polyvinylchloride curtains installed alternately at least 6 pcs in -number. The design of the fiber filter for aspiration shelters was improved, whose use enables to catch iron ore dust directly in a shelter and reduce its settling in the aspiration air duct system. A technique for calculating the parameters of fiber filters for aspiration shelters of different constructions has been developed.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И181.2


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