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Rudenko S. 
Management features of international educational projects between universities of Poland and Ukraine = Особливості управління міжнародними освітніми проектами між університетами Польщі та України / S. Rudenko, R. Sapenko, O. Bazaluk, V. Tytarenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 2. - С. 142-147. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose - to reveal the special features of managing joint international projects in the sphere of higher humanitarian education and research between universities, as well as non-governmental educational and scientific organizations of Ukraine and Poland. The authors focus on: the ways of solving the problem of harmonizing the management practices in higher education and science of Ukraine and Poland for successful implementation of joint educational and scientific projects; adaptation of joint educational programs to employersі needs; the linguistic aspect of implementing the joint Polish and Ukrainian educational programs in humanities (particularly, in such specialities as Philosophy, Cultural Science, Political Science); involvement of non-governmental educational and scientific organizations in implementation of joint Polish and Ukrainian educational and scientific projects. The authors have used the method of cultural and historical analysis, the comparative method, the structural and functional method, as well as the peer review method. It has been proposed to manage the international Polish and Ukrainian projects in the field of higher education and research through joint educational and scientific centres having relative managerial and financial independence, as well as through involvement of non-governmental educational and scientific organizations. The authors have singled out and analysed four key aspects in managing the international projects which demand particular attention currently: nonconformity of management practices (with sufficient coherence of legislative norms) between Ukraine and Poland in the field of high education and research in the implementation of joint educational programs and scientific research; the need to adapt joint educational programs to the employers' needs without losing the development priorities and advantages of classical university education; the use of a combination of English, Ukrainian and Polish language training courses instead of English only as a language of instruction, in the implementation of Polish and Ukrainian educational programs; involvement of non-governmental educational and scientific organizations as platforms for ensuring a continuous dialogue with employers (in the case of joint educational programs) and commercialization of scientific research results. There has been developed a strategy for managing the international educational and scientific projects in the humanities adapted to the modern conditions in Poland and Ukraine. The strategy enables to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of humanitarian education and science, as well as to use higher humanitarian education as an instrument for the development of social partnership. The use of the results obtained in the educational practice of universities in Poland and Ukraine will improve the quality of higher humanitarian education through its internationalization. This will also increase the competitiveness of joint Polish and Ukrainian educational programs and scientific projects in the humanities. The research results will reveal and facilitate the opportunities of universities and non-governmental educational and scientific organizations. These opportunities can be used as tools for the development of social partnership.

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