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Strutynskyi S. V. 
Defining the dynamic accuracy of positioning of spatial drive systems through consistent analysis of processes of different range of performance = Визначення динамічної точності позиціонування просторової системи приводів послідовним аналізом процесів різного масштабу швидкодії / S. V. Strutynskyi // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 3. - С. 64-73. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Complex study of the dynamic processes of positioning of spatial systems with defining their characteristic parameters and developing recommendations on increasing the dynamic accuracy of the system positioning. Methodology. Theoretical methods for determining the parameters of the positioning processes in the spatial system on the basis of the proposed approach which consists in separating the general process into a number of components with different range of performance. Experimental research methods using high-precision equipment are applied to confirm the reliability of the results of theoretical studies. Findings. A new approach to the determination of the parameters of the positioning processes of spatial drive systems which explains the possibility of separating the positioning process into components of different ranges and allows determining the parameters of individual components of the process is developed. Processes of different ranges in the mechatronic spatial drive system on the basis of this approach are classified. The configuration of the octahedron has been established with introducing an idealized mechanism for which the analytical relations among the links and the kinematic initial conditions in the spatial drive system during positioning are determined. Calculations are made using the initial conditions and parameters of the process of entering the position of the master drive of the system and the processes of translational and transverse-angular displacement of the platforms are established. Calculations are confirmed by the results of experimental measurements. Recommendations on increasing the dynamic processes of positioning the spatial drive systems are developed on the basis of the conducted research. Originality. The proposed approach to determining the process of positioning the spatial drive system through time-independent processes with different ranges of performance is fundamentally new. At the same time, new knowledge about the nature of the process parameters in the spatial drive system is obtained. A dynamic model of the drive and methods for its simplification are proposed. The method for determining the initial conditions at the entering the system into the position which means the approximation of the spatial system by the mechanism that corresponds to the octahedron is proposed. The analytical dependencies that are the basis for finding the initial conditions are defined for this mechanism. Models and results of calculations of the process of the drive displacement and the translational and cross-angular displacements of the platform and the established indicators of dynamic accuracy of positioning are introduced. Practical value. The peculiarities of dynamic positioning processes are established and recommendations on increasing the dynamic accuracy are made by using special vibration damper installed in particular locations of the spatial drive system.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К447-02


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