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Paranchuk Y. S. 
Energy efficient power supply system and automatic control of modes of the "power supply - pumping station" complex = Енергоефективна система живлення та автоматичного керування режимами комплексу "електрична мережа - помпова станція" / Y. S. Paranchuk, V. H. Lysiak // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 3. - С. 115-124. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of technical and algorithmic solutions for complex improvement of electrotechnologic effectiveness indices of "power supply mains - pumping station" ("SM-PS") complex, improvement of its energy efficiency, obtaining its rational structure and operation algorithm of the system of automatic control of modes of pumping over. Methodology. Circuit design and algorithmic solutions were developed on the basis of liquid pumping efficiency indices analysis for various power supply schemes, power circuits connection diagrams and control methods of centrifugal pumping units, which were acquired using mathematical experiments on the developed digital model of "SM-PS" complex. Findings. Power supply circuit and centrifugal pump unit connection diagram were developed. A structure and an algorithm for microprocessor system of automatic discrete-continuous control of liquid pumping modes with constant pressure in the pipeline on the full range of the SM-PS performance variation were created. Originality. A mathematical model of synthesis of discrete-continuous control of liquid pumping modes using centrifugal pumping units in the structure of the closed-loop system of the pipeline pressure stabilization was developed. Practical value. The use of the developed scheme, schematic and algorithmic solutions makes it possible to improve the electrotechnologic efficiency indices of "SM-PM" complex, in particular, to decrease specific cost of active electric energy, to improve the power factor, to decrease circuit voltage deviation as well as to reduce consumption of total and reactive powers, which results in substantial energy saving. The suggested solutions can be applied while designing new and operating working "SM-PS" complexes.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З565.9-05


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