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Kyvliuk O. 
Educational management as education diplomacy: strategies for Ukraine = Освітній менеджмент як освітня дипломатія: стратегії для України / O. Kyvliuk, O. Polishchuk, D. Svyrydenko, O. Yatsenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 3. - С. 139-144. - Бібліогр.: 17 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Under the condition of the absence of a scientific debate over the concept of "educational diplomacy" in the national research field, the authors set the goal of carrying out an analysis of the heuristic potential of this concept to overcome the current contradictions in the development of the Ukrainian higher education system against the background of the expansion of the categorical and conceptual apparatus in modern educational management. Methodology. The authors used systematic, analytical, abstracting, concrete historical approach and modeling method, as well as approaches to cultural research, in particular, the modern theory of hybridity. Findings. The research succeeded in substantiating the managerial potential of educational diplomacy to solve the contradictions in the development of Ukrainian higher education system. It is shown that the lack of a theoretical discussion about the possibilities of educational diplomacy and the practical implementation of its approaches to management practice reduces the efficiency of modernization processes. Against the background of possibilities to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the higher education globalization strategies, the possibilities of educational diplomacy for overcoming the current conflicts in the development of higher education, initiated by the fact of the disintegration of the educational area and its management system have been demonstrated. Originality. The potential of the concept of "educational diplomacy" for the solution of global and local (national) contradictions in the development of higher education, and the system of education management have been demonstrated in the modern Ukrainian management discourse for the first time. The necessity of practical implementation of educational diplomacy approaches is revealed, taking into account the positive foreign experience of their use. Underestimated possibilities of educational diplomacy for Ukrainian traditions of education management, which can implement in practice the principles of consensus philosophies, resolve contradictions, and others in specific socio-cultural conditions, have been presented for the first time in order to provide strategies for the modernization of higher education in an effective manner. Practical value. The obtained results can serve as a reference point for the modernization of educational policy in the conditions of disintegration of the educational area, ensuring state policy in the context of violated territorial integrity of Ukraine, in particular, in developing scenarios for the reintegration of the national educational area.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч34(4УКР)к


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