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Bondarenko A. O. 
Modeling of interaction of inclined surfaces of a hydraulic classifier with a flow of solid particles = Моделювання взаємодії похилих поверхонь гідравлічного класифікатора з потоком твердих частинок / A. O. Bondarenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 4. - С. 13-20. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of a mathematical model of the interaction process of a solid particle driven by a high-speed head of a carrier medium with an inclined surface of a hydraulic classifier. Methodology. The theory of granular material single particles transfer by a two-phase heterogeneous flow in the boundary region between the inclined surface of the classification apparatus and the aqueous medium is applied. The interaction of a solid particle with an inclined surface under the influence of the speed head of an expanding carrier stream, as well as gravity, Archimedes, friction, and environmental resistance is considered. Findings. A mathematical simulation of the interaction of solid particles with an inclined surface is performed under the influence of the speed head of the carrier medium. Three characteristic modes of particle motion are considered: the surface is horizontal, inclined downward, inclined upward. As a result of the development of the process model of interaction between the flowing part of the new technical level classifier, formed by dissimilar surfaces, with solid particles washed by a passing flow of the carrier medium, regularities in the influence of the slope angle of the classifier flowing part surface on the parameters of the solid particle equilibrium state are formulated. Analytical dependencies are obtained to determine the characteristic velocities of the carrier medium flow sufficient for the equilibrium of a solid particle. It has been established that the impact on a solid particle located on the classifier inclined surface with a carrier flow whose speed is proportional to the surface slope angle, the coefficient of sliding friction, the characteristic diameter, will allow it to keep its equilibrium. Originality. Analytical dependencies are obtained to determine the characteristic velocities of the carrier medium motion required for the equilibrium state of the particles deposited on the inclined surface of the classification apparatus. Practical value. Analytical dependencies are obtained to determine the medium flow velocity which carries solid particles from the inclination angle of the classification apparatus flowing part wall. The established dependencies make it possible to justify the rational angles of the surfaces slope that form the flowing part of the horizontal classifiers and other classification apparatus used for the gravitational processing of granular materials.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И241


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