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Podnebennaya S. K. 
Three-to-one phase converter's control method for power factor corrected power supply of resistance welding machine = Спосіб управління трифазно-однофазним перетворювачем джерела живлення машини контактного зварювання з корекцією коефіцієнта потужності / S. K. Podnebennaya, V. V. Burlaka, S. V. Gulakov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 4. - С. 106-114. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The improvement of control method for a three-to-one phase matrix converter of a power supply of a single-phase resistance welding machine. This allows ensuring electromagnetic compatibility of the power supply with the power network, increasing the converter efficiency by reducing the switching frequency of power switches, and reducing power losses therein. Methodology. To study the power characteristics of power supplies for resistance welding machines, methods of mathematical and simulation modeling were used. The synthesis of the control system is based on the obtained regularities, characteristics and generalized requirements applicable to power supplies for resistance welding machines. Findings. The control algorithm for the three-to-one phase matrix converter of the power supply of resistance welding machine is developed. A control system based on this algorithm is synthesized. A mathematical simulation of a power supply with a developed control system is performed. A control method of the direct converter of the resistance welding machine power supply is developed. It ensures electromagnetic compatibility with the supply network and improves the converter efficiency. Originality. A method for controlling the three-to-one phase matrix converter, based on one-cycle control algorithm, is proposed. This method consists of sequential switching of bidirectional converter switches. Their switching on depends on the network voltages according to a given algorithm. The commutation moments are determined by the time when the current integral reaches the value of the reference charge, calculated in accordance with the value of the active resistance simulated by the converter with respect to mains. Practical value. The use of a direct matrix converter for supplying the resistance welding machine, which is controlled by the developed algorithm, makes it possible to ensure electromagnetic compatibility of the power supply with the power network and increase its energy efficiency by reducing the switching frequency of power switches, reducing power losses therein.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К641.52-5


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