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Loza I. M. 
Evaluation of remediation efficiency of manganese quarry lands after open-cut mining: ecosystem approach = Оцінка ефективності рекультивації земель кар'єра видобутку марганцевої руди: екосистемний підхід / I. M. Loza, O. Ye. Pakhomov, V. I. Chorna, N. V. Voroshilova // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 4. - С. 122-128. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To assess the quality of remediated lands of Ordzhonikidzevskyi manganese quarry (Oleksandrivskyi career) on the possibility of their economic use and suitability for soil biota existence, as well as providing recommendations for further rational economic use of them. Methodology. Assessment of quality of remediation lands was carried out by comparing remediated soil bonitet with bonitet of zonal (native) soil. Data collection and processing were carried out in terms of fill layer thickness, humus content in filling top layer, content of physical clay in topsoil and subsoil, granulometric composition of one-meter thick fill layer, topsoil and subsoil salinity (rate), composition and properties of underlying rocks. Findings. The research revealed that as a result of implementation of technical remediation stage, a remediated soil was obtained with properties similar to zonal (native) soil previously located within this area prior to mining, and although it has less fertility and greater salinity of deeper layers, it can be used in agricultural purposes after implementation of a biological stage of remediation, which consists of salt-tolerant perennial grass cultivation for 3 - 5 years. The method of land remediation is currently generalized and well-studied; however, in most rehabilitation schemes on ecological recovery of industry-related areas, completeness of naturalization and functioning of remediated ecosystems is not taken into account, since most of the remediation measures are focused only on vegetation and ground macro-fauna well-being. Originality. Novelty of the work is that when assessing the remediation quality, it is proposed to take into account environmental conditions for existence of soil invertebrates, which will play a crucial role in formation of agro-system stability mechanism. These animals make a significant environmental contribution to transformation of soil features, acting as a soil protecting biological factor in organic farming. Practical value. The performed scientific work is part of solution of modern integral ecological task on providing a human with a set of material and intangible services - natural resources and healthy environments.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И332.402

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