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Dorohovych V. 
Effect of gluten-free flour on sensory, physico-chemical, structural and mechanical properties of wafer batter and waffles / V. Dorohovych, M. Hrytsevich, N. Isakova // Ukr. Food J.. - 2018. - 7, № 2. - С. 253-263. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

Introduction. The research was carried out to determine the impact of different varieties of gluten-free flour on semifinished and finished wafer sheets. Materials and methods. Materials: rice, corn, buckwheat flour, waffle batter and waffle sheets. Sedimentation of the dough was determined by measuring the column of the liquid; bound and free moisture - by the derivatization method, strength - by determining the force required for breaking the wafer sheet. Results and discussion. Rational moisture content of dough with rice flour is 63, buckwheat - 80, corn - 65 %. The highest density has a dough with buckwheat flour - 1,113, corn - 1,083, rice - 1,065 g/cm<^>3, the least with wheat - 1,053 g/cm<^>3. This can be explained by different water absorption capacity of flour. Sedimentation is maximal for dough with rice flour - 25,2, corn - 15,1, wheat - 10 %. Dough with buckwheat flour is not subject to sedimentation. This is due to the presence of cellulose and pentosans. The dough of buckwheat flour has a maximum viscosity (25,3 Pa-s), minimum - with rice (4,97 Pa-s). Viscosity of the dough with wheat flour-corn 7,97 Pa-s. It is substantiated by different chemical composition and different dispersion of wheat and gluten free types of flour, and is consistent with the content of free and bound moisture - for a test with buckwheat flour 56,04 %, with rice - 35,97. The highest strength - wafer sheets with corn and wheat flour (4,9 n and 4,1 respectively). The highest sedimentation - wheat and buckwheat flour (119,4 and 115,4 % respectively), it is explained by different nutrient composition of all types of flour. Calculations of the nutritional value showed that wafer sheet with buckwheat flour has bigger amount of proteins than the wafer sheets with rice and corn flour. Energy value of wafer sheets for different types of flour do not have much difference. Conclusions. Gluten-free flour changes physico-chemical parameters of semi-finished and waffle sheets.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л865.5


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