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Pavlovsky S. A. 
Optimization of treatment of patients with non-alcoholic steatogepatitis combined with diabetes mellitus type 2 = Оптимізація лікування хворих на неалкогольний стеатогепатит, поєднаний з цукровим діабетом 2 типу / S. A. Pavlovsky // Прикарпат. вісн. НТШ. Сер. Пульс. - 2017. - № 8. - С. 100-108. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

The goal is to optimize the treatment of patients with non-alcoholic fat liver disease combined with type 2 diabetes. The study was conducted on 25 patients with NAFLD - in the stage of NASH. Control group - 20 healthy individuals. In order to identify the diagnosis of NAFLD, the data of clinical, laboratory, biochemical and instrumental studies were taken into account in full compliance with the standards of examination of patients with pathology of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Results and conclusions. In the application of integrated treatment with combined hypoglycaemic therapy (diabetes and pioglitazone), the results of treatment showed a significant improvement in the subjective and objective state of patients. Complaints have decreased significantly. Pain syndrome decreased by 1,4 times; dyspepsia syndrome - 1,7 times; decrease in appetite - in 1,7 times, astenovegetative syndrome - in 1,3 times; subcurrent sclera - 1,5 times; tongue bursts - 2 times; liver - in 1,3 times, pain of a liver at a palpation - in 1,4 times); densification of liver parenchyma - 1,5 times). During the ultrasound study in the group of NASH, the redistribution of the number of patients in the direction of reducing the heavier stages of hepatosis has taken place: the I stage is defined as 45 % (increase 3 times), stage II - 35,0 % (reduction by 1,4 times) , stage III - 20,0 % (decrease by 1,75 times). In all patients the cytolysis, mesenchymal-inflammatory syndrome, hemograms improved, the indicators of protein and lipid metabolism were stabilized, confirming the positive lipidotrophic effect of the complex effect of diabetone and pioglitazone on the functional state of hepatocytes.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р415.160.23-5 + Р413.51-5


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