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Volodymyr Dmytrovych Koshmanenko (to 75th birthday anniversary) // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2018. - 24, № 3. - С. 187-189. - англ.

Volodymyr Dmytrovych Koshmanenko is a famous Ukrainian mathematician. He was bom on July 28, 1943 in Dnipropetrovsk (today, Dnipro) in Ukraine. Young years V. D. Koshmanenko have passed at the Physics department of the Dnipropetrovsky State University. But he chose mathematics as his preferable job. The physics education gave him a deeper unde~standing of mathematical objects and processes in his later life, on the one hand, ana this enriched physics with a thorough mathematical content, on the other.The main scientific activity of V. D. Koshmanenko in the years of graduate school was conducted under a supervision of Academician Yu. M. Berezansky at the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It was dedicated to axiomatic field theory in terms of operator Jacobi matrices. Mathematical works of V. D. Koshmanenko include 5 monographs and about 130 papers which are of high level and quality. Some of them make a starting point for certain directions. Among them there are the following books: Singular bilinear forms in perturbations theory of selfadjoint operators, Naukova Dumka, Kiev 1993; Singular quadratic forms in perturbation theory, Springer, 2012; The Method of Rigged Spaces in Singular Perturbation Theory of Self-Adjoint (with Dudkin M. E.) Institute of Mathematics NAS Ukraine 2013 and Birkhauser 2016; Spectral theory of dynamic conflict systems Naukova Dumka, Kiev 2016.

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