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Zavidnyuk Y. V. 
Features of metabolic reactions to various water-salt loads in the female rats / Y. V. Zavidnyuk // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2018. - № 2. - С. 21-30. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

In the previous article it has been described that the registered parameters of water-salt, nitrous and lipid metabolism as well as the neuroendocrine-immune complex found in 42 rats subjected to various water-salt loads, significantly differ from the parameters of the intact rats; the groups of animals have received the liquids of different mineralization and chemical composition. The article aims at finding out the features of the reaction parameters of metabolism. Experiment has been performed at 58 healthy female Wistar rats 240 - 290 g divided into 6 groups. Animals of the first group have been intact, using tap water from drinking ad libitum. Instead, the other rats have received the same tap water as well as water of such trade marks as "Sophiya", "Naftussia", "Gertsa" and its artificial salt analogue through the probe at a dose of 1,5 mL/100 g of body mass for 6 days. The day after the completion of the drinking course the parameters of water-salt, nitrous and lipid metabolism have been registered. It has been found that 16 metabolic parameters deviate from those in the intact rats, what has been caused by the salt analogue of "Gertsa" water; "Gertsa" native water has made a slighter, but also tangible effect, and "Sofiya" and "Naftussia" trademarks of water have made the smallest influence, instead of ordinary water is almost ineffective in relation to these metabolic parameters. Other 19 parameters deviate from the reference level after the use of water Naftussya, fresh water is less effective, whereas quasi-isotonic liquids are almost inactive of to talk about these parameters. Other 13 parameters of the animals that use normal water as deviate from the intact control as in the previous super pattern, that is also caused by the stressful effects of the load course. Both "Naftussia" and "Gertsa" water and its salt analogue prevent the stress deviations of these parameters. Instead, consumption of water "Sofiya" shows that deviations of these parameters are reversed. Conclusion: the features of the reactions of the parameters of metabolism are caused by a level of NaCl, <$Eroman SO sub 4 sup 2-> as well as organic carbon and nitrogen in water.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е60*731


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