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Очеретнюк А. О. 
Обгрунтування безпеки застосування колоїдно-гіперосмолярних розчинів для корекції функціонального стану організму та легень у експерименті на щурах / А. О. Очеретнюк, Б. О. Кондрацький, О. В. Паламарчук, В. А. Ващук // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2018. - № 3. - С. 52-60. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - укp.

The experimental investigation is concerned with the preclinical study of safety of colloid-hyperosmolar solution HAES-LX-5 % application, the comparative preparation - protein-salt solution of Lactoprotein with sorbitol (LPS) and the control solution of 0,9 % NaCl on intact rats. The effect of solutions on some indicators of the functional body state and rats' lungs in the organ and cellular levels was investigated. Significant differences (p << 0,05) in the dynamics of animals body weight against the background of solutions administration in comparison with intact animals during the period from 72 to 168 hours were established, indicating the absence of toxic effects of drugs on general trophic processes, as well as the presence of hydration and energy effect preparations. When assessing the state of detoxification processes in the rats' bodies according to the leukocyte intoxication index (LII), it was discovered that the administration of all three solutions (0,9 % NaCl, LPS and HAES-LX-5 %) to animals did not lead to significant changes (p >> 0,05) of LII indicator relative to the intact control during the entire study period. The influence of solutions on the lungs state according to the macrometric (absolute and relative mass, volume) and macroscopic (color, surface, consistency, presence of hemorrhages) indices was studied. It has been established that there are no significant differences in the volume, absolute and relative mass of rats' lungs from 24 to 168 hours as compared to intact animals. According to the macroscopic indices, the organ state of animals administered with infusion preparations was similar to that of intact control animals, indicating the absence of toxic effects of infusion solutions on the state of ratsі lungs. The following phases of the cell cycle: proliferative dormancy (G0G1), proliferative activity (G2 + M), synthesis (S), proliferation index (IP), proliferation block (BP), index of apoptosis (SUB-G0G1) were determined to assess the possible effect of solutions on the cell cycle and DNA fragmentation parameters in rats. The differences between the pharmacodynamic effects of the three solutions have not been found, which allows us to consider them neutral in regard to the processes of cellular renewal in intact rats. On DNA histograms of rats receiving solutions, there was no significant difference between similar cell cycle parameters and DNA fragmentation at all study periods (24 - 72 - 168 hours). This indicates the absence of any undesirable effects of the analysed drugs. Conclusions: thus, it has been experimentally proved that the preparations of HAES-LX-5 %, LPS and 0,9 % NaCl in a dose of 10 ml/kg for 168 hours have no negative effect on general trophic and detoxification processes in animals. The solutions did not cause statistically significant changes in the absolute and relative mass and volume of rats' lungs, as well as the macroscopic state of animals' lungs. The absence of negative influence of the investigated solutions on the processes of proliferation and apoptosis in the rats' lungs was confirmed.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р352


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