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Ящишин З. М. 
Морфофункціональний стан сідничного нерва при його де- і регенерації на тлі лазерного опромінення / З. М. Ящишин, М. О. Прийма, О. Я. Лукашевський, Ю. С. Петришин // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2018. - № 3. - С. 90-95. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - укp.

In order to study the effect of laser irradiation of the damaged nerve area for accelerating its regeneration, a chronic experiment on laboratoryі animals was conducted. For this purpose, male Wistar male rats were used in the number of 40 specimens. In the experimental studies, the effect of irradiation of the zone of mechanical damage of the peripheral nerve with its stitches at various times after the trauma in a chronic experiment on laboratoryі rats with subsequent exposure to the zone of damage by the mon-ochromatic light-emitting diode laser of the "Spectrum LC" laser, with a wavelength of 450 - 480 nm, was analyzed. The nerve suturing was performed by means of an epineural seam in a timely manner, immediately after the injuryі, and during the period from 10 to 45 minutes after the injury. Irradiation was earned out starting from the third day after the operation. The number of sessions per animal was 10. Experimental animals were withdrawn from the experiment on the 60<^>th, 70<^>th, 75<^>th, and 90<^>th day after the nerve injury. Electron and light microscopies, functional tests were used to monitor the regeneration process in a damaged and wounded nerve in the future. The electron microscopy was carried out with the 20,000 increase while the light microscopy showed the 250 increase, and half-thin cuts with the coloring of methylene blue were applied. In relation to functional tests, we used the test for pain sensitivity (applying prickly stimuli to the animals' limbs), temperature sensitivity (applying ice to the limbs of the animals) and motor sensitivity (animals were running on a tape). It has shown that laser monotherapy of the blue spectrum (as shown in our studies) provides the fastest and qualitative effect, in comparison with the data given in the reference literature, in which a laser of another wavelength was used in clinical and laboratory studies. Electrographs indicated initial degenerative changes in the nerve fiber due to the trauma, which is manifested by folding, edema of the myelin sheath and the increase in the specific density of collagen fibers at the cut. From the 15<^>th day, regenerative processes in the nerve were observed, which were manifested in the gradual restoration of nerve blood supply and mvelination of nerve fibers. Light microscopy data confirmed this. Conclusions: the sewing of the damaged peripheral nerve with the restoration of its integrity by the epineural suture in the period from up to 30 minutes from the moment of the injury and the subsequent exposure to a blue laser, the restoration of the damaged nerve during 60 - 90 days after the injury could be achieved. The rate of regeneration depended directly on the duration of the sewing. The results were confirmed by histological methods and functional tests.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е60*739.13-634.5


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