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Loveikin V. S. 
Regime-parametric optimization of a mine winder deceleration = Режимно-параметрична оптимізація гальмування шахтної підйомної машини / V. S. Loveikin, Yu. O. Romasevych // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 5. - С. 72-78. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Improving mine winder operation efficiency during deceleration of the final cargo lowering due regime-parametric optimization and study the obtained results with dynamic and energy indicators. Methodology. In order to carry out the regime-parametric optimization of the mine winder deceleration mode the direct Euler's variational and differential evolution methods have been used. In order to study the approximate solution of the variational problem the mathematical modeling and integration of differential equations methods were used. Findings. It was established that in comparison with rational laws of the mine winder deceleration using the optimum torque law reduces unwanted dynamic loads in the rope up to 28,4 %, and in the coupling by 15,4 - 82,7 %. In this case, the oscillations of the drive and the final cargo at the end of deceleration do not exist. In aggregate, it allows increasing the reliability of the mine winder. The optimal value of the reduced coefficient of coupling stiffness of the mine winder actuator has been established. Originality. The formulation of an optimization problem has been carried out. The complex terminal-integral criterion has been chosen. It was shown that in the formulation of the problem it is necessary to introduce the extra boundary conditions for achieving the absolute minimums of the terminal criteria. In order to find an approximate solution to the mine winder deceleration mode optimization problem, sampling of the problem was carried out. The solution of the problem was found on a set, which is the conjunction of two domains: the dynamic parameters of the mine winder and its modes of motion. Practical value. The calculated optimal deceleration mode of the machine may be implemented with the frequency-controlled drive, which allows increasing the efficiency of the mine winder operation in terms of dynamic indicators.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И166-53-048


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