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Kostenko V. V. 
Decision-making: criterion method of multi-level system research = Ухвалення рішень: критеріальний метод дослідження багаторівневих систем / V. V. Kostenko, V. M. Kuznichenko, V. I. Lapshyn // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 5. - С. 130-135. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Expansion of applications of the Analytical Procedure Method (APM) to multi-level decision making systems in a variety of socioeconomic fields. The development of methods that are based both on calculations and on argument-based expert opinions, which allows one to make qualitative grounded decisions in different socioeconomic fields, is an important issue. Methodology. The method of paired comparison, the method of analytical procedure structuring of a series of alternatives and criteria (the APM). Findings. Studies were carried out that have confirmed the legitimacy of using the APM in application to multi-level decision making systems, which allow for increased criteria detail that leads to a higher quality choice of alternatives. The problem is solved in general for an arbitrary number of levels. The method allows one to obtain the global priorities for all of the elements of a multi-level decision making system. Originality. The method of analytical procedure is extended from two-level on the multilevel systems of decision making. Unlike the Analytical Hierarchy Process approach, here, the global priorities of the criteria are defined in a manner that is consistent with all of the elements of the multi-level system, which expands the scope of problems in which this approach can be used. When the number of alternatives (criteria) changes in the APM approach (elements of overhead and most bottom levels of the system), the initial global priorities of the alternatives (criteria) both maintain relative signs during comparisons and preserve the initial relations. Practical value. The global priorities of the alternatives are important information to those who are making a decision. For this reason, the relations between the resulting number of them (after an increase or decrease in their amount) must remain the same during the decision making process. The offered method can be used for making decision in the different spheres of human activity.

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