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Nestoruk N. A. 
Model tools for mastering engineering experimentation = Модельний інструментарій опанування інженерним експериментуванням / N. A. Nestoruk, V. V. Melnik, S. N. Zinoviev, P. O. Chykunov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 5. - С. 167-173. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Creating a model that allows improving professional training of mining electrical engineers to capture engineering experimentation. Methodology. An approach is proposed for creating a model that has the property of adapting to changes in the experimental environment, within the framework of which various properties of electromechanical systems are accessible for research. To achieve the goal, solve the problems and set out to test the effectiveness of the developed training technology, a set of complementary scientific methods is used, reflecting the dialectical unity of theoretical and empirical levels of knowledge: a specially designed set of tasks, a survey in the form of an individual questionnaire, observation and evaluation of training future engineers to perform electro-profile experimental research in the study of technical subjects. The approach is based on a complex of competences and must occur under certain conditions, among which the most important are its proper material and technical and methodological support; step-by-step planning; creation of a single educational and methodical environment; presence of a set of relevant academic disciplines; providing favorable motivational support. But the main pedagogical condition that ensures the implementation of a competently oriented teaching methodology is use of such didactic principles as determinism, systematicity, differentiation, variability, integrity and interactive learning. Findings. The essence of experimental studies is clarified, notions of "experimental research" and "engineering experimentation" are identified, targets, content and technological components of the training of future mining engineers in the context of a tedious problem in accordance with the personality-oriented educational paradigm are specified. Based on the analysis of the future specialist's activities, in accordance with the competence complex, a structural model for training mining engineers-electromechanicians for conducting experimental studies has been developed, which makes it possible to improve the professional training of the future specialist. Originality. A crucial task to create a model tool that facilitates adaptation to future professional activities is solved. A structural model of vocational training for mining engineers-electromechanicians has been developed, which is based on a set of factors. In the aggregate, they determine the model of training specialists that is aimed at mastering the competences of the conceptual, theoretical, systemic and technological levels, based on the content of technical disciplines, where engineering experimentation is its connecting core. Practical value. Practical importance of the research is motivated by the fact that as a result of scientific search, based on the developed model presented, a training manual and other teaching materials have been developed and introduced into the vocational training of future engineers of the electromechanical profile, which have increased the level of students' preparation for engineering experimentation in future professional activities.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И.р(4УКР)3


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