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Ruzina M. V. 
Non-kimberlitic sources of diamonds and prospects of their discovery in the Ukrainian Shield = Некімберлітові джерела алмазоносності та перспективи їх виявлення в межах Українського щита / M. V. Ruzina, O. A. Tereshkova, N. V. Bilan, I. V. Zhyltsova // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 6. - С. 5-12. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To substantiate the prospects of potentially diamondiferous formations of non-kimberlite genesis and improve the forecasting criteria for diamond deposits within the Ukrainian Shield. Methodology. The research involved a complex study of the structural features, compositional-indicating evidence and distribution regularities of potentially diamond-bearing formations of non-kimberlite genesis. Petrographic characteristics and composition of ore mineralization were studied in thin and polished sections using a polarization microscope Altami POLAR P-312. To substantiate the material composition of diamond-prospecting rocks, the results of X-ray, thermal and microprobe analyzes were interpreted. Findings. Fluid-explosive units that have been discovered within the Inhul megablock of the Ukrainian Shield are diamondiferous formations. Fluid-explosive units from the Bilozerska greenstone structure within the Middle Prydniprovie megablock of the Ukrainian shield is largely similar to the above-mentioned unites as well as the diamond-bearing phyllites from Diamantina (Brazil) and diamond-bearing visherites of the Urals. This by analogy with a number of world metallogenic provinces allows predicting the possibility of discovery of non-traditional diamond-prospective formations of non-kimberlite genesis within the Middle Prydniprovie megablock of the Ukrainian Shield as it is a typical Archean craton. Originality. Established factual background is indicative of credible occurrences of potentially diamond-bearing formations of non-kimberlite genesis within the Middle Prydniprovie megablock. During diagnostics of fluid-explosive units of the studied region, a number of structural features observed exclusively in fluidolites are identified. Fluid-explosive formations also contain abnormal concentrations of noble metals. Practical value. The results of the research allow us to forecast the possible discovery of non-traditional diamond-prospective formations of non-kimberlite genesis within the Middle Prydniprovie megablock of the Ukrainian Shield.

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