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Svietkina O. 
Mechanochemical synthesis of additives for cathode material of lithium-ion traction batteries = Механохімічний синтез добавок для катодного матеріалу літій-іонних тягових акумуляторних батарей / O. Svietkina, V. Protsiv, O. Bohdanov, K. Bas // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 6. - С. 80-87. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To study the effect of mechanical activation on TiO2 - SiO2 - Al2O3 system (in the form of minerals) to apply them as cathode material additives. Methodology. Mechanochemical activation (MA) of materials was performed by means of a vertical vibration mill (VVM). Average size of the powdered particles was determined according to the data obtained with the help of laser analyzer SK LAZER MICRON SIZER PRO-700 (Japan). Formation of the activated state is closely connected with energy characteristics of the material. In this context, multipurpose technique to research energy characteristics of the materials was used; the technique involves potentiometric measurements within suspensions with indifferent electrode. "In situ" diffractograms were obtained using X-ray diffractometer ДРОН-2 (Burevestnik, Russia). Phase analysis of the materials was determined with the help of X-ray diffractometer ДРОН-3 (Burevestnik, Russia): Fe Ka emission, high voltage 35 eV, and anode current 20 mA. Physical and chemical processes, taking place in the process of GH (Gas Hydrate) methane, were analyzed with the help of differential thermal analysis and X-ray fluorescence analysis. A content of gaseous products was studied by means of a gas adsorption chromatography method using "LXM-2000-TM"chromatograph (Elektra, Russia). Findings. Physical and chemical properties of the systems using TiO2 - SiO2 - Al2O3 - PE in the form of minerals after their mechanochemical activation have been analyzed. It has been determined that after their activation within VVM, the additives intensify electronic conductivity owing to the formation of solid solutions in the process of the activation, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, owing to changes in crystal-chemical composition. It has been demonstrated that the activated minerals intensify electronic conductivity up to 10<^>-2 Ohm<^>-1сm<^>-1. Originality. It is in the fact that vibroimpulse activation involves changes in electric conductivity of minerals (in particular, rutile and oxidized quartzites) depending upon the formation of solid solutions or chemical compounds resulted from mechanochemical activation. Practical value. A technique to intensify additives for cathode material of lithium-ion accumulators, where electronic conductivity grows, has been developed.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З251.3 + О162.13


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