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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Khetselius O. 
Studying an air ventilation and pollution in an atmosphere of industrial city: elements of new modeling approach and green-city technology / O. Khetselius, A. Glushkov, T. Safranov, V. Buyadzhi, Yu. Bunyakova, A. Romanova // Environmental problems. - 2017. - 2, № 3. - С. 151-156. - Бібліогр.: 94 назв. - англ.

We develop the elements of a new generalized approach to natural air ventilation of the industrial city. It is based on the Arakawa-Shubert and Glushkov models which allow to give a quantitative reliable modelling an unsteady turbulence in the urban area and atmospheric ventilation dynamics. To calculate the air circulation for the cloud layer arrays, penetrating into the territory of the urban area, we apply the methods of a plane complex field theory. The method allows to calculate the convection parameters and shifting cumulus cloud ensemble from surrounung regions. An advanced mathematical method for modelling an unsteady turbulence in the city's area is developed and applied. As illustrative example, we apply our approach to computing the ventilation potential and current function for typical (quite simplified) sinopticl situation for the territory of the Odessa city.

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