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Goncharenko D. F. 
Restoration of urban underground workings using secondary polymer composites = Відновлення міських підземних виробок з використанням вторинних полімерних композитів / D. F. Goncharenko, A. V. Ubyivovk, O. O. Garmash, M. P. Gorokh // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 1. - С. 110-116. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Currently, the underground infrastructure of large cities of Ukraine is significantly worn out as a result of long-term operation, inefficient solutions for protecting the structures from corrosive environmental influences, poor quality of materials and construction and assembly operations during erection. Restoration of operational performances, reliability and durability of elements of the underground network of workings is a costly and difficult technical and organizational problem. However, its solution is needed to prevent accidents including those with serious environmental and economic consequences. Existing modern technologies for performing work on restoring the functioning of the underground infrastructure of large cities, the materials used to restore them allow solving these problems with different efficiency. But in addition, the need to reduce restoration costs through the use of polymer materials, improve technological solutions and solve environmental problems of megalopolises is a relevant area of research. Purpose. Taking into account the accumulated operating experience to develop geomechanical models and, on their basis, propose technical solutions for restoration of serviceability, reliability and durability of extended workings of the city underground network. Methodology. Methodology includes full-scale investigation of urban underground workings in operation, experimental analysis of the polymer material in corrosive environment, and numerical simulation of strain-stress state of the protective lining at the stages of construction and operation. Findings. The results indicate high efficiency of the considered polymer material under the influence of corrosive environment; numerical simulation of the stress-strain state of the protective lining allows determining the optimal geometric parameters of the lining elements depending on the mechanical properties of the material and distinctive features of its assembly technology. Originality. The technology of restoration of support in extended underground workings is proposed and the possibility of using a composite material based on secondary polymer resources is justified. Practical value. The cost-effective solution of the problem of restoration of lining of the extended underground workings (tunnels) through the use of products of secondary polymer materials is involved. Use of products of these materials in restoration of supports of extended underground workings (tunnels) has significant economic and environmental effect and also makes it possible to restore hard-to-reach areas.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: О112.52-08


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