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Boutemedjet A. 
Assessment of dust pollution related to granite quarry operations in Kef Bouacida, Annaba (Algeria) = Оцінка пилового забруднення на гранітному кар'єрі в Кеф Буасіда, м. Аннаба (Алжир) / A. Boutemedjet, M. Bounouala, A. Idres, A. Benselhoub // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 1. - С. 117-124. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Assessment of dust pollution and analysis of aero-particles generated during operations at the quarry of Kef Bouacida aggregates, located in Oued El Aneb Annaba north-eastern of Algeria. Methodology. Measurement and monitoring of dust fallen, taken from the quarry site allowed identifying the forms and characteristics of the collected particles. These measurements were performed according to the French AFNOR NF X 43-007 standards on measurement of dry atmospheric deposition by the method of platelet deposition. Findings. The results obtained during the dust fall show that these measures (83,34 g/m<^>2/month) are much higher than the reference values of 30 g/m<^>2/month in the AFNOR NF-X43-007, to the German standard TA-LUFT (10,5 g/m<^>2/month) and the Swiss OPair law (6 g/m<^>2/month). For this reason, containment methods and measures intended to limit, prevent and eliminate the consequences of the production on the environment are suggested. Originality. The evaluation of the adverse effects related to mining production, in particular the nuisance of dust, which can contribute to sensitizing the fight against these negative impacts on the environment, health and safety of the local population, and also increase environmental preservation actions and sustainable development. Practical value. The reduction of fine particle emissions is the greatest environmental challenge that the Algerian mining faces. The effects assessment of mining of granite on the environment, and the description of the difficulties of dust propagation, can be maintained by reduction measures to fight this nuisance, which poses safety and health problems for staff, accelerates the wear of equipment, and affects the quality of materials, not to mention the inconvenience to residents and farmers. This study is part of the development of environmental protection and conservation of natural resources.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И342.11 + И181


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