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Novak O. 
Features of master's degree programs in Ukraine: formation of administrative competencies = Особливості магістерських програм в Україні: формування управлінських компетенцій / O. Novak, L. Levchenko, I. Levchenko, O. Kostenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 1. - С. 141-146. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To examine the relevance of master's programs in higher education institutions of the USA, the European Union and Ukraine. Taking the example of administrative competencies formation in the Master of Education programs, to compare the relevance of majors and competencies for the Master of Education degree in the USA, Europe and Ukraine. Based on the results achieved, to recommend the sequence of modernization of master's programs in Ukraine in accordance with the standards of the European Higher Education Area. Methodology. The authors used the comparative analysis method, which made it possible to compare the features of administrative competencies formation in master's programs in the United States, the European Union and Ukraine. The logical method of scientific knowledge allowed the authors to draw conclusions that justify the need for further modernization of master's programs in Ukraine in accordance with standards of the European Higher Education Area. Findings. The authors have examined comparison of meanings, which are embedded in the phrase "administrative competences"in Ukraine, the USA and states of the European Union. The authors have concluded that in the Ukrainian educational system understanding of administrative competencies and need for their formation in university graduates differs little from their understanding in the USA and the European Higher Education Area. In examining master's degree programs in the USA and the State of the European Union, the authors have found that educationis differentiated not only between states, as well as within states. The authors have concluded that modernization of the Ukrainian educational system in accordance with the standards of the European Higher Education Area does not threaten Ukrainian identity, and, instead, develops it. By comparing administrative competencies formation in the Master of Education programs in higher education institutions of the USA, Europe and Ukraine, the authors have found significant differences between these programs. The authors have developed recommendations for modernization of the Master of Education programs in accordance with the standards of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Originality. The authors have proved the irrelevance of majors and competencies for the Master of Education degree in Ukraine in comparison with the USA and the States of the European Union. Taking the example of administrative competencies formation in the Master of Education programs in the higher education institutions of the USA, Europe and Ukraine, the authors have found that 1) in Ukraine master's programs are not divided into "research"and "professional-, as is adopted in the USA and the states of the European Union; 2) the Master of Education programs in Ukraine provide mastering of majors which do not correspond to the classification adopted in the European Higher Education Area. The authors have recommended modernizing the Master of Education program in Ukraine in accordance with the standards of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Namely: 1) to divide master's programs into research and professional; 2) to standardize the Master of Education programs, and retain the following majors: curriculum and instruction; counseling; school psychology; administration.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч481.203


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