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Tahri T. 
Characterization and homogenization of Bled El-Hadba phosphate ore, case of Djebel Onk (Algeria) = Визначення характеристик і гомогенізація фосфатної руди Блед Ель-Хадба на прикладі родовища Джебель Онк (Алжир) / T. Tahri, A. Bouzenzana, N. Bezzi // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 2. - С. 28-35. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The aim of this study is the characterization and the development of an efficient and profitable technology for the production of one or several types of concentrates with a minimum of penalizing elements which must be competitive at the national and international levels. Methodology. The completion of this study required the use of several methods of chemical analysis, advanced ICP-MS, SEM and XRD for defining phosphate mesh elements and gangue minerals present in the raw material, basic chemical composition and microelements (trace elements), as well as their distribution by fractions. Findings. These studies have revealed that phosphate elements play a significant role within the main sub-layer (ML) which is situated between two other sub-layers (upper (UL) and lower (LL)). We obtained significant differences in the particle shapes and sizes, especially in the two sub-layers (UL and LL). A close relation between trace elements and various minerals (apatite, dolomite and silicates is evidenced through operations of substitution. Originality. The research data has testified that phosphate elements play a significant role within main sub-layer (ML) which is situated between two other sub-layers (upper (UL) and lower (LL)). We obtained significant differences in the particle shapes and size, especially in the two sub-layers (UL and LL). Practical value. The homogenization of raw materials (UL, ML and LL) developed in the laboratory has led to satisfactory results, because it presents a very wide range of variants while the poor ores of the UL and LL layers can be exploited in the amount up to 20 % each minimizing the rates of mining wastes.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И344.6


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