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Sladkowski A. V. 
Innovative designs of pumping deep-water hydrolifts based on progressive multiphase non-equilibrium models = Інноваційні конструкції насосних глибоководних гідропідйомів на базі прогресивних багатофазних нерівноважних моделей / A. V. Sladkowski, Y. O. Kyrychenko, P. I. Kogut, V. I. Samusya, D. L. Kolosov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 2. - С. 51-57. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of methodological support for a unique method of a pumping deep-water hydrolift (PDH) for transporting multiphase flows with a solid fraction and innovative pumping systems for its implementation in complex conditions of great depths. Methodology. Theoretical studies of a mechanism of multiphase flows in a flow section of a hydrolift transport pipeline and designs of a pumping unit that transports heavy hydro mixture with an abrasive solid fraction to build an adequate model of a pumping deep-water hydrolift of gasified liquids with high gas content. The method is based on a logical structure of multiphase flow studies under conditions of large pressure gradients and a new approach to the calculation of powerful hydrolifts that pump compressible and incompressible non-equilibrium heterogeneous mixtures. Depending on the size of a desorption flow and the depth of a hydrolift, a rational amount of pumping units and their location are determined. Flow and energy parameters of a process of transportation of a hydro mixture using mathematics and software for a method of hydrolifting are calculated. Findings. An experimental technology for transporting heavy abrasive rock masses in oceanic areas with high gas content in sea water is suggested. This technology is the combination of an innovative method of a pumping hydrolift of solid material as part of gasified liquids and the original design of a pumping unit and also is distinguished by improved performance characteristics. A new deterministic model of a non-equilibrium multiphase flow in a pressure pipeline of considerable length and a simulation software complex is developed. Originality. A unique PDH that transports heterogeneous mixtures, created on progressive non-equilibrium multiphase models considering the processes of desorption mass transfers caused by significant pressure gradients is developed. Practical value. Innovative designs of pumping units are suggested and patented, which prevent overmilling of solid particles by eliminating the interaction of a pump impeller with transported material.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И361.44-5


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