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Raksha S. V. 
Mathematical and s-models of cargo oscillations during movement of bridge crane = Математичні та s-моделі коливань вантажу під час руху мостового крана / S. V. Raksha, P. G. Anofriev, V. M. Bohomaz, O. S. Kuropiatnyk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 2. - С. 108-115. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

The effectiveness of research on the basis of mathematical models (linear, nonlinear) describing the dynamics of bridge cranes and cargo oscillations during transitional modes of movement, increases significantly with the use of numerical methods and simulation models created by visual programming tools. Purpose. To develop and evaluate proposed simulation models of bridge crane dynamics. Methodology. On the basis of well-known mathematical models, simulation models of the "bridge crane (trolley) - cargo on a flexible suspension" system are developed. The simulation models are created using the visual programming tools of the SIMULINK application running on the MATLAB system. Simulink libraries and DSP System Toolbox components are used in the simulation. Findings. S-models of cargo oscillations during the bridge crane movement have been developed and adjusted. A comparative analysis of the proposed models has been performed. Originality. With the help of SIMULINK visual programming tools for the first time we received a set of simulation models of cargo oscillations during the transition modes of the bridge crane movement for linear and nonlinear formulation of the task. Practical value. The proposed s-models allow automating and visualizing studies of dynamics of bridge crane movement in order to determine their rational kinematic and dynamic characteristics. The models are provided with examples of calculation of dynamic motion modes.

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