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Bezruchko K. A. 
A new determination method for coal metamorphism degree = Новий спосіб визначення ступеня метаморфізму вугілля / K. A. Bezruchko, L. I. Pymonenko, O. K. Balalaiev, V. I. Baranovskyi // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 3. - С. 5-11. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Purpose - development and approbation of a new method for determining the degree of coal metamorphism by the index of gray shade intensity of macerals for microphotographs of lump sections of coal samples. Optical spectroscopy using a video-optical complex: MBI - 11, HB 200, followed by digital computer processing (Scope photo software) of microphotographs of coal substance samples upon lump sections. A new method is proposed for determining the degree of coal substance metamorphism, the essence of which is the use of optical microscopy of lump sections of coal samples, followed by digital processing of the obtained data. The method was tested on coal samples of various ranks - from long-flame to anthracite. To characterize the degree of coal metamorphism, a new index of the gray shade intensity of macerals was applied on the photographic images of the lump sections of coal samples microscopically. Correlation of the proposed index with the classical ones of the degree of coal metamorphism - vitrinite reflectance is shown. For the first time, a digital processing of photographic images of the lump sections of coal samples using a new index of gray shade intensity of macerals was applied to characterize the degree of coal metamorphism. The proposed method can be used for practical application in order to assess the degree of coal metamorphism. This method differs by its operability and simplicity from the currently widely used one for determining the degree of coal metamorphism by vitrinite reflectance. The method can also be applied to assess the recoverability of coals and calculation of their maceral composition.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д347,1 + Д453.3


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