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Haiko H. I. 
Development of a morphological model for territorial development of underground city space = Розробка морфологічної моделі територіального розвитку підземної урбаністики / H. I. Haiko, I. O. Savchenko, I. O. Matviichuk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 3. - С. 92-98. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose - development and testing of a model that formalizes and supports decision-making process regarding the appropriateness of using territory (geological environment) for urban underground construction. Modified morphological analysis of urbanized territories, expert evaluation method was used. A morphological model and a tool set for evaluating construction sites for underground construction were tested; morphological tables were constructed; expert estimate scales for alternative values of construction site parameters were justified. Cross-consistency matrices of influence factors and parameter alternatives were evaluated. Evaluation of two sites for underground construction in Kyiv was performed using the developed model. For the first time, a morphological model of territorial development for underground city planning was designed and tested on real construction sites in Kyiv. The modified morphological analysis method was applied for risk estimation of urban development of underground space. Systemic characteristics of urban territories were obtained, which show the favorability of a site for underground construction. Evaluation of the prospect of underground construction on the pre-project stage, capabilities for risk management of urban underground city space development, diminishing of the potential for project flaws caused by neglecting certain factors or specifics of a geological environment and technogenic impacts, convenient form of information generation as tables, charts or graphs.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Н82


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