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Shramenko N. Y. 
Optimization of technological specifications and methodology of estimating the efficiency of the bulk cargoes delivery process = Оптимізація технологічних параметрів і методологія оцінки ефективності процесу доставки масових вантажів / N. Y. Shramenko, V. O. Shramenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 3. - С. 146-151. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose - to increase the efficiency of the process of bulk cargo delivery by exit routes by optimizing the technological parameters of the supply chain. Methodology - the optimization of the technological parameters of the supply chain for cargo delivery was carried out using mathematical modeling. To assess the effectiveness of the process of cargo delivery, an analytical method of research was applied. As a result of the research, optimum values of the technological parameters of the production and transportation chain of ore cargo delivery by exit routes were obtained: the composition of the formed route is 38 cars, the loading point performance is 324,2 t/h, the delivery interval is 1,75 days. Using the optimal technological parameters of the supply chain for the delivery of bulk cargoes by exit routes, the operational work of the railway transport is planned, ensuring compliance with the delivery interval for the purpose of implementing the requirement "just in time". The dependences of the specific costs of these parameters, which allow evaluating the nature of their changes in various given conditions, are constructed. The components of the economic effect of the supply chain for the delivery of bulk cargoes (coal, ores, etc.) by means of exit routes have been formalized and a method for evaluating the economic effect for both subjects of the supply chain is proposed: the owner of cars and production. Recommendations on the formation of the technological process of functioning of the entire supply chain are given for given values of the duration of the supplierіs and customer's production cycles, the duration of transportation, the intensity of the input of the delivered raw materials into production. To improve the efficiency of delivery of bulk goods, it is recommended to use the developed schedules of interaction between production, transport and consumption. At the same time, the intensity of raw materials receipt into production determines the optimal composition of the formed exit route and the delivery interval.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: О184


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