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Rudenko S. 
The role of philosophical disciplines in educational strategies for specialist training in the field of public administration = Роль філософських дисциплін в освітніх стратегіях підготовки фахівців у галузі публічного адміністрування / S. Rudenko, O. Bazaluk, V. Tsvykh, I. Kalmuk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 3. - С. 158-163. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

Purpose - to reveal the optimal model for the functioning of philosophical disciplines in the structure of educational programs for specialist training in "Public administration" specialty, as well as the specific features of managing the educational strategies for civil servants training. The authors focus on: the ways of administrative solution of the problem of oversaturation of educational programs in the field of public administration with a set of philosophical disciplines; the adaptation of educational programs for specialist training in the field of public administration to the needs of national and international employers; the peculiarities of the internationalization of educational programs in the field of public administration in the context of academic mobility and the adaptation of the public administration system of Ukraine to the European Union standards. The authors used the method of cultural-historical analysis, the comparative method, the structural-functional method, as well as the expert evaluation method. An organizational model of functioning of philosophical disciplines in the structure of educational programs for specialist training in the field of public administration is proposed; according to this model the historical and philosophical disciplines, the set of theoretical and practical philosophy taught in the Ukrainian language, are replaced with the English-language courses of logic, theory of argumentation, applied political science and applied culturology. The authors singled out and examined the peculiarities of the management of educational strategies for civil servants training in Ukraine, which are related to the place and functions of philosophical disciplines and nowadays require special attention: the oversaturation of educational programs with historical and philosophical disciplines, as well as the disciplines of theoretical and practical philosophy in the conditions of unsatisfied needs for the formation of general competencies; the need to adapt educational programs for specialist training in the field of public administration to the needs of national and international employers without losing the advantages of classical university education; the usage of English to teach disciplines of logical, political and cultural cycles aimed at the formation of general competencies. The practical model of functioning of philosophical disciplines and the socio-humanitarian disciplines in the structure of educational programs for specialist training in "Public Administration" specialty adapted to the modern national and international conditions has been developed, which allows increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of higher education in Ukraine in the field of public administration, integrate training of civil servants and managers in Ukraine in the international educational and scientific space, creating conditions for the adaptation of Ukraine's institutional and non-institutional management practices to the European Union standards. The usage of the results obtained in the educational practice of the Ukrainian universities, which train specialists in "Public Administration" specialty, allows improving the quality of higher education.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Х819 р(4УКР)3 + Ч481.203


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