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Fil' V. M. 
The comparative study of vegetotropic effects of non-pharmacological agents in basal and acute stress conditions in rats of both sexes / V. M. Fil', I.-S. S. Flyunt, O. G. Mysakovets', O. I. Mel'nyk, H. Y. Matiyishyn // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2018. - № 4. - С. 18-23. - Бібліогр.: 37 назв. - англ.

In the tract of Pomyarky in Truskavets resort the water "Truskavetska", being extracted from the wells, is almost identical to Naftussya with the composition of the electrolytes and the gross organic carbon content, but artificially deprived of microflora. The purpose of this study is to investigate the vegetotropic effect of this water in comparison with the polyphenolic preparation "Enomelanin" as a possible water ameliorator. The experiment was conducted on 48 Wistar rats which were divided into 5 groups of similar sex, body mass, hypoxic and swimming tests. 10 animals of the first group remained relatively intact while others 38 rats received a course of water loads through a tube at a dose 2 % of body mass once daily during seven days. The experimental rats were treated with tap water as a control group, table water "Truskavetska" taken from the bottle as well as "Enomelanin" (10 % paste dissolved in distilled water or "Truskavetska" water of 0,04 %). One day after the end of the course the ECG was recorded under light ether anesthesia to determine parameters of heart rate variability. Then animals of test groups were subjected to water immersion restraint stress. The day after acute stress the ECG was recorded again. The weekly consumption of ordinary water has not affected the basal stress index at all, whereas water "Truskavetska" has caused a slight tendency to increase it. The water enriched with polyphenols from "Enomelanin" has alleviated this trend. A similar effect has been observed with a 0,04 % solution of "Enomelanin" in distilled water. In the control group after acute stress there has been a tendency to increase the sympathetic tone in combination with a significant reduction in the vagus tone and some sympathetic shift in the humoral channel of regulation. The water "Truskavetska" has not affected the latter, but significantly potentiated the sympathetic effect of stress. "Enomelanin" has acted in a similar way. Conclusion: it can be concluded that the vegetotropic effect of polyphenols is conditioned by some factors that accompany the stress reaction.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р354.481


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