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Лаврик Г. С. 
Індукція імунної відповіді біоплівковими та планктонними формами Staphylococcus aureus у експерименті / Г. С. Лаврик, О. П. Корнійчук, Й. М. Федечко // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2018. - № 4. - С. 54-61. - Бібліогр.: 30 назв. - укp.

The purpose of the research is to compare the effect of the serums that are obtained from the immunization of rabbits with biofilm and the planktonic form of staphylococci on staphylococcal formation of films and phagocytosis of biofilm strains of S. aureus and also to determine the effect of biofilm and planktonic strains of staphylococci obtained from acne on induction of interleukin-1 by the lipopolylsaccharide of Escherichia coli. For the production of anti-biofilm form and anti-planktonic form of staphylococci serum, the rabbits of the chinchilla breed were immunized with the inactivated medications made of biofilm and planktonic strains of staphylococci. The research of the serum effects on the biofilm formation was performed by putting the serum antibodies to biofilm and planktonic form of staphylococci into the medium with serum dilutions from 1:10 to 1:40 with the addition of culture of biofilm and planktonic staphylococci forms. 0,2 ml of anti-biofilm serum was added to the test tube with staphylococci suspension to study the opsonization activity of serums and anti-planktonic serum was added in the same amount to the control tube. Then mixtures were incubated and separately added to the tubes with leukocytes. After that the phagocytic number and opsonic index were determined. The level of induction of IL-1 by the biofilm and plankton form of staphylococci was determined in a supernatant using a test system DRG (Germany) for ELISA. The results of research have demonstrated a delay in the formation of biofilms by the anti-biofilm form serum with dilutions 1:10 and 1:20. The specific serum for planktonic strain has demonstrated the effect of opsonization on their phagocytosisіthe phagocytic number was <$E20,0~symbol С~0,87> cells/phagocyte (p << 0,001) and the opsonic index was 3,26. The anti-biofilm serum has stimulated the phagocytosis of biofilm forms of bacteria - the phagocytic number was <$E8,29~symbol С~0,71> cells/phagocyte and the opsonic index was 3,06. The induction of the level of IL-1 under the influence of culture fluid from biofilm forms of staphylococci has been two times higher than IL-1 induction with the action of the culture fluid from planktonic forms - <$E20,0~symbol С~1,23> pg/ml and <$E10,13~symbol С~0,69> pg/ml (P << 0,05). The pre-incubation with the culture fluid from biofilm forms has decreased the induction of the synthesis of IL-1 by the lipopolysaccharides: the level of IL-1 in the control tube 2 (C2) <$E41,14~symbol С~1,04> pg/ml and the level of IL-1 with the culture fluid from planktonic forms - <$E25,25~symbol С~1,34> pg/ml. The serum antibodies to the biofilm form antigens of S. аureus obtained from the immunization of rabbits, inhibit the formation of the biofilm in vitro. Biofilm strains of S. aureus reduce the phagocytosis and the anti-biofilm serum partially causes the effect of opsonization. The reduction of synthesis of IL-1 by the biofilm forms of staphylococcus promotes their avoidance of immune surveillance. This leads to the reduction of the maturation of immunocompetent cells in chronic and recurrent infections, including acne.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е422.241.3*556 + Е60*745.2


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