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Яцина А. І. 
Аденілатна система еритроцитів щурів з гіперактивним сечовим міхуром за умов його корекції лікарськими засобами гормональної енерготропної дії / А. І. Яцина, Р. С. Вастьянов, Н. В. Дьячкова, Ф. І. Костєв, М. А. Хархота // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2019. - № 1. - С. 38-43. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - укp.

According to ICS, hyperactive urinary bladder syndrome is among the 10 most common diseases, with amount of 100 million people in the world whom are ill, and is ahead in the frequency of diseases of diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer By expenditure, this disease is in the fifth place after arthritis, urinary incontinence and osteoporosis. Costs of GAMP are comparable to the cost of treatment for asthma and osteoporosis. Treatment of GAMP is necessary in all cases where the available symptoms cause a decrease in the quality of life of the patient. Taking into account the significant negative influence of GAMP on the quality of life of patients, it is possible to appoint therapeutic measures before the completion of all diagnostic procedures. Since the exact causes of development and pathogenesis of GAMP are still not fully established, treatment of these patients remains largely symptomatic. Preparations of choice in treating GAMP are M-cholinoblockers. The use of M-cholin blockers in GAMP can reduce the frequency of urination, reduce the number of episodes of incontinence, increase the functional capacity of the bladder. There is also information on the promising use of flavonoids in the treatment of GAMP, including some methods are protected by the patent for the invention. Taking into account not fully learned reason of development and pathogenesis of GAMP, it is promising to use combined drugs therapy with multi-directional mechanisms of action. The purpose of our work was to investigate the qualitative and quantitative indices of the adenylate system of erythrocytes of rats with hyperactive urinary bladder in its correction with testosterone/estradiol compositions with quercetin. The influence of sex hormones (testosterone, estradiol) composition with quercetin on the qualitative and quantitative compound of adenile nucleotides of erythrocytes of rats with medicamentally produced, by our own methods, syndrome of hyperactive urinary bladder (HAUB) was studied. It was defined that the HAUB course in experimental animals is accompanied by a probable decrease in the content of adenosine-triphosphate (ATP) to 14,69 % from the total number of adenile nucleotides against 58,6 % in intact with simultaneous increase of adenosine-diphosphate (ADP) to 74,65 % against 14,09 %, respectively. It was established that the course of GASM in experimental animals was accompanied by a significant imbalance of the adenylate system of erythrocytes, due to a decrease in the content of ATP and an increase in the content of ADP in erythrocytes, indicating the development of violations of biosynthetic processes The objective confirmation of the synergistic effect of sex hormones and bioflavonoids in the correction of functional disorders in cases of HAUB by increasing the compensatory mechanisms of cellular energy conservation has been received. It has been substantiated that in the mechanism of development of HAUB significant importance belongs to the imbalance of the adenilate system of erythrocytes.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р696.024.1-5 + Е60*732.241


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