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Кутельмах О. І. 
Вплив експериментальної гіпергомоцистеїнемії та її корекції холіном і вітаміном D на біохімічні показники крові самок щурів / О. І. Кутельмах, М. Б. Луцюк, Р. Б. Лесик, Ю. О. Кутельмах, О. І. Попова // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2019. - № 1. - С. 72-77. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - укp.

The conducted biochemical studies have shown that the use of choline and vitamin D for the correction of hyperhomocysteinemia in the experiment effectively (p << 0,05) reduces the level of homocysteine in the blood of rats and normalizes the concentration of vitamin D. The method used for correction of hyperhomocysteinemia allows us to reliably reduce the intensity of oxidative stress, to normalize antioxidant defense and methylation processes and restore calcium-phosphorus metabolism in experimental animals. Numerous studies have shown that elevated levels of homocysteine (HC) in blood plasma, or hyperhomocysteinemia (HHC), are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and many other diseases. Mechanisms of pathogenetic activity of HHC are mainly related to oxidative stress, antioxidant defense and other processes. In addition, the link between the HHC and the dental pathology can be evidenced by the presence of an association between HHC and osteoporosis and the metabolism of vitamin D. Therefore, the present studies is devoted to developing in the experiment methods for correction of the level of HC and deficiency of "solar vitamin" for HHC and creation clinical approaches to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and appropriate dental pathology. The purpose of the study is to study the biochemical parameters of blood of female rats at experimental HHC and its correction with choline and vitamin D. In an experiment of 28 days duration, 40 female rats weighing 200 - 220 grams were used. Animals were divided into 4 groups: control and three experimental, 10 rats each. In animals, groups 2 and 4 were added thiolactone HHC, in group 3 of rats - methionine HHC. In the 4<^>th group of animals, choline and vitamin D were added to the diet for the correction of the HHC. A control group of animals (1 group) was injected in equivalent to 1 % starch gel. At the end of the experiment, females were withdrawn from the experiment under thiopental anesthesia and taken blood from the heart for biochemical studies. In serum, the total protein, malondialdehyde, reduced glutathione, phospholipids, total and ionized calcium and phosphate concentrations, homocysteine and vitamin D (25-OHD) were determined by generally recognized methods. Statistical processing of the results was carried out for the mean values for the t-criterion of the Student (p << 0,05). The obtained results are consistent with the literature, according to which HHC and vitamin D deficiency in the body have a negative effect on calcium-phosphorus metabolism. There was a significant decrease in the concentration of vitamin D, calcium and phosphate in the blood (HHC). Correction of the HHC with choline and vitamin D reliably (p << 0,05) prevents the development of metabolic changes that affect oxidative stress, antioxidant defense and phosphorous-calcium metabolism. Conclusions and perspectives of further developments: 1. Our study showed that there are signs of oxidative stress in both of the HHC models, antioxidant defense and methylation processes are inhibited, there is a decrease in the level of vitamin D, calcium, and phosphates. 2. The enrichment of the diet with choline and vitamin D practically prevents all of these biochemical abnormalities characteristic of HHC.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р415.2 + Р252.711


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