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Nesterak R. V. 
Peculiarities of the course and provision of medical care to patients with acute coronary syndrome in the Precarpathian region = Особливості перебігу та надання медичної допомоги хворим з гострим коронарним синдромом на Прикарпатті / R. V. Nesterak // Архів клініч. медицини. - 2019. - № 1. - С. 21-26. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Cardiovascular diseases are the first ones in mortality among other diseases. Particular attention should be paid to patients after acute coronary syndrome, since their quality of life, the possibility of restoration of work capacity. To evaluate indicators of medical care provision for patients with acute coronary syndrome in the Precarpathian region. The medical-geographical indicators, data of the local registry (2014 - 2018) included clinical and objective parameters, peculiarities of the course, rehabilitation and treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome. The peculiarities of the course of acute coronary syndrome, clinical characteristics of patients depend on the form of HID and the applied method of ACS treatment. There is an increase of the number of PCI performance and the reduction of TLT, the percentage of admission of patients up to 2 hours remains low. The increase of PCI performed in the districts of the region in the dynamics from 2014 to 2018 has been determined, as well as the geographical peculiarities of the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The percentage of patients' undergoing rehabilitation after acute coronary syndrome remains low. Conclusions: the Precarpathian region has a number peculiarities that are related to the location of the region. Taking into account the characteristics will contribute to the improvement of the organizational model of medical care provision in the region.

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