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Experimental Oncology - 40 years // Experimental Oncology. - 2019. - 41, № 1. - С. 2. - англ.

The issue of "Experimental Oncology" you are holding in your hands is the anniversary one. Forty years ago, the first issue of "Experimental Oncology" was released. This journal was in fact the novel edition among the medical and biological periodicals existed at that time. The journal was set up by the initiative and with the direct involvement of the leading Ukrainian specialist in oncology, academician of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences R. E. Kavetsky who was the founder and the long-time director of the Institute of Oncology Problems of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (nowadays the R. E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology (IEPOR) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). Throughout its 40-year history, the journal has been and remains the leader in spotlighting the advanced ideas and developments in cancer research. The objective of the journal is to put forth the novelties in experimental and theoretical oncology facilitating and strengthening the close contacts between the scientists from different research centers all over the world who are working on the fundamental problems of the malignant growth.

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