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Kyrychenko O. L. 
A technique to measure sensitivity of explosives to the effect of laser pulse radiation = Методика вимірювання чутливості вибухових речовин до дії лазерного імпульсного випромінювання / O. L. Kyrychenko, V. V. Kulivar, O. V. Skobenko, O. V. Khalymendyk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 4. - С. 11-15. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Improving reliability of the technique to determine sensitivity of explosives to laser pulse radiation involving the method for defining function of energy distribution in a laser beam. Methodology. Experimental studies, physical and mathematical modeling. Findings. The available techniques to determine sensitivity of explosives to laser pulse radiation have been analyzed. The technique to define the function of energy distribution in a laser beam is rather simple not requiring complex experimental equipment. Originality. Regularities of energy density distribution within the laser ray cross-section have been determined. It has been demonstrated that both theoretical and experimental dependences of energy density upon the laser ray radius are characterized by Gaussian distribution being little different from each other. Changes in radiation intensity within the laser ray cross-section have been determined experimentally. Practical value. Practical use of the laser initiation technique is connected with the improvement of the known methods to develop profiled detonation waves within the explosive charges as well as plane, cylindrical, conical, and spherical shock waves in different materials. Methods to develop such waves are characterized by maximum high repeatability of results and high efficiency in terms of minimum possible power consumption.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И133-31


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