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Abramov Yu. O. 
Modeling of spilling and extinguishing of burning fuel on horizontal surface = Моделювання розтікання й гасіння горючої рідини на горизонтальній поверхні / Yu. O. Abramov, O. Ye. Basmanov, V. I. Krivtsova, J. Salamov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 4. - С. 86-90. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To construct a model of extinguishing a spill fire spreading on a non-smooth horizontal surface using water mist. Methodology. A force balance equation for the forces influencing the spilled liquid spread has been worked out. The equation takes into account the change in the mass of the spilled liquid due to its burnout and possible inflow in the case of a continuous spill. Filling of the surface irregularities in the spill area has also been taken into account. There has been worked out a thermal balance equation for the fuel surface under sprayed water mist, based on the assumption that the water droplets completely evaporate before they reach the surface of the burning fuel. Findings. The dynamics has been obtained for the radius change of the fuel spill for the spread and burnout on a non-smooth horizontal surface under the assumption of a circular shape of the spill. Relation has been determined between the time required to suppress a spill fire with water mist and the intensity of water feed. Originality. The scientific originality consists in taking into account the surface irregularities and fuel burnout during the spill spread, as well as determining the time required to suppress a spill fire with water mist, depending on the intensity of the water feed. Practical value. The proposed model for the fuel spill spread and fire extinguishing can serve as the basis for the design of a fire protection system for the processing equipment and, in particular, of an automatic water mist fire extinguishing system, at oil extracting and oil refining facilities.

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