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Podolchak N. Y. 
The influence of coaching on the development of manager's leadership skills = Вплив коучингу на розвиток лідерських умінь менеджера / N. Y. Podolchak, L. M. Prokopyshyn-Rashkevych, V. Y. Karkovska // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 4. - С. 107-113. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To reveal the meaning of the conception of internal coaching, identify the management leader styles, their advantages and disadvantages and reveal the development of competencies through the influence of external and managerial coaching in the company. Methodology. In order to solve the problem, theoretical and methodological techniques, scientific and theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem under study were used. Works were analyzed in search for common categories with reference to grounded research methodology. Findings. The leadership styles in management and the circumstances of their applying have been considered in this work. It is defined that only a leader-manager, having appropriate professional competencies, innovative ability to think and organizational capacity, can use the coaching style, which has much more advantages. The methodical recommendations of the creation of the industrial enterprises' effective system of integral coaching are formulated. The purpose of this system is linked to a proper choice of the management style in accordance with the decomposition of the tasks. Originality. Coaching has been determined as the core feature of personal and professional development which can enhance knowledge and skills in management, good choice, skillful use of the leadership approaches. It is determined that it is really difficult to take and keep up a leading position in a proper way. Therefore, the authors suggest engaging the external coaching in order to improve the manager's leadership skills. It is substantiated that the internal coaching should be oriented at the development of professional qualification of workers, their initiative and productivity. Practical value. It is proven that applying for the external coaching increases managerial competencies and leadership positions. Besides, it allows a company to establish and evolve internal coaching, ensuring the growth of employees' knowledge, skills and special abilities, developing their potential.

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