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Petrunia Yu. 
Business environment of the country: approaches to evaluation in the context of management processes = Бізнес-середовище країни: підходи до оцінювання в контексті управлінських процесів / Yu. Petrunia, V. Petrunia, V. Shvets // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 4. - С. 114-119. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Improvement of the methodological approaches to assessing the state of the business environment in the country, identifying the potential and limitations of existing indicators of diagnosis of the state of business environment, in particular, rating ones. Methodology. The main results of the study were obtained based on abstraction methods, by which the scientific understanding of the categories "external environment" and "business environment" was formed. Likewise, the separation of the letters is carried out given the essence of the processes that they reflect. Methods of scientific generalization were used to set scientific targets and draw conclusions, analysis and synthesis to identify the limitations of the current approaches to index-ratin assessment of the state of the business environment. Statistical and the graphical analysis led to the identification of the indicators and dynamics of direct foreign investing in the country. A comparative analysis is used in order to identify diagnostic potential of the most common assessing indexes of the state of the business-environment. Findings. Notions of "external environment" and "business environment" are distinguished, given the difference in their quantitative and qualitative essential features. A set of the world's most common index-rating projects for assessing the state of the business environment is analyzed. Using the example of comparison of Ukraine with other countries, the advantages and disadvantages of existing index-rating indicators of diagnostics of the business environment are demonstrated, their potential and limitations are determined. The necessity of using the dual methodological approach to the assessment of the state of the business environment is substantiated, which, in accordance with the peculiarities of the appointment (functions) and the final objectives, provides for the formation of two groups of indicators: based on the assessment of the business environment and business environment functioning evaluation results. As the key indicators of the fact-finding nature, it is proposed to use indicators of direct foreign investment in the country (using the example of Ukraine). Originality. For the first time, a dual methodological approach to assessing the state of the business environment in the country is proposed, which involves evaluation based on the differentiation of factor and result indicators of the state of the business environment. Further development has identified the advantages and disadvantages of the main indexes (ratings) that are used in world practice to assess the business environment. The definition of functions (appointment) and corresponding spheres of adequate practical use of rating-factor and actual-result indicators is proposed. The conclusion on the feasibility of using indicators related to foreign direct investment as the key indicators of the factor-result group is substantiated.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: У9(4УКР)0-131


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