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Soroka L. 
State policy in the field of energy efficiency = Державна політика у сфері енергоефективності / L. Soroka, O. Riabchenko, A. Zamryha, O. Korotun // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 4. - С. 141-146. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To analyze the current situation in the field of energy efficiency, to study the problems of implementation of state policy in this area and the latest trends in the adoption of innovative tools and cost-effective ways to solve the problems of high energy prices, energy security and independence, air pollution and global climate change. Methodology. The methodological basis for the study consists of both general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge. Using the comparative legal method, an analysis of the norms of legislation of different countries of the world in the field of energy efficiency is carried out. The use of legal analysis and synthesis methods allowed formulating proposals for improving the current legislation that regulates the management of energy efficiency in Ukraine, as well as substantiating the main provisions for establishing interaction between the entities of energy efficiency management in Ukraine. Using the formally-logical method, the conceptual apparatus is investigated and the differences between the terms "energy efficiency" and "energy conservation" are distinguished. The method of generalization is used when studying and defining the main ways of improving the legislation that regulates the management of energy efficiency in Ukraine. Findings. Systemic, planned implementation of the state policy, as well as financing and control over the use of funds provided for the implementation of energy efficiency programs will provide benefits in the following areas: 1. Environment: increasing efficiency can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants and reduce water consumption. 2. Economy: energy efficiency is generally cheaper than investing in a new generation of "green" technologies. Energy efficiency can also stimulate the local economy and reduce the price pressure on gas. 3. Public utilities: energy efficiency can provide long-term profits by reducing the base load and reducing the need for additional energy interconnections. 4. Risk management: energy efficiency also diversifies utility portfolios and can be a means of protecting against uncertainty associated with fluctuations in fuel prices and other risk factors. Originality. The experience of foreign countries in the field of energy efficiency policy analysis has been analyzed, and it has been found that in many cases, success in this field was achieved through the systematic policy of the state, system financing and consumer behavior change. The concept of "energy efficiency" and "energy saving" has been investigated, it has been proved that energy efficiency is an element of energy saving. Practical value. The results of the study can be used by authorities when creating program documents and developing strategic plans in the field of energy efficiency.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: У9(4УКР)0-554.081-18 + Ф3(4УКР)4


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