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Mel'nyk O. I. 
Features of the parameters of EEG in persons whose immune status is susceptible or resistant to chronic stress / O. I. Mel'nyk, O. I. Lukyanchenko, O. A. Gozhenko, I. L. Popovych // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2019. - № 2. - С. 11-23. - Бібліогр.: 33 назв. - англ.

In order to find out the role induced by chronic stress changes in immune parameters of the sympatho-vagal balance in the previous study, we compared the individuals who were retrospectively divided into two groups, almost identical to the average value of LF/HF ratio and its dispersion, but with opposite deviations from the standards of the links of immunity. Previously, in our laboratory, significant relationships were found out between the parameters of phagocytic, cellular and humoral links of immunity, on the one hand, and HRV and EEG, on the other hand. Hence, a hypothesis that, for the same states of the autonomic nervous system, the differences in immune responses to chronic stress were due to the features of the EEG. The verification of this hypothesis was the purpose of this study. The object of the observation were 32 men (aged 24 - 70 years old) and 8 women (39 - 71 years old) with chronic pyelonephritis in remission. After the EEG parameters screening, two profiles have been created that reflect the differences between the two groups of individuals. The first profile contains the parameters that in stress-sensitive individuals are in the zone of narrowed standard, whereas in stress-resistant individuals they are to some degree elevated, or at least exceeded those in stress-sensitive individuals. This means that the Amplitude of <$Edelta>-rhythm and SPD of <$Edelta>-rhythm in loci O1, F4, P4, F3, O2, T3, C3, T4, T5, P3, T6, Fp2 as well as Deviation of <$E alpha>-rhythm, which are higher than the average standard prevents the inhibition of phagocytosis and cellular immunity, which is accompanied by a sympathetic shift of sympatho-vagal balance. On the other hand, the factors listed above, result in the enhancement of humoral immunity that is absent in persons susceptible to stress. The second profile contains EEG parameters, each of which in stress-resistant individuals is lower than that of stress-sensitive individuals. The first set has a significantly pronounced <$Etheta>-rhythm Asymmetry, increased Entropy in locus T5 and also SPD in locus F8 in stress-sensitive individuals, whereas in stress-resistant individuals the Asymmetry is much less pronounced and the other two parameters are quite normal. The second set consists of parameters of <$Ebeta>-rhythm as well as Entropy in locus F8, whose Z-scores fluctuates around zero in stress-sensitive individuals, whereas in stress-resistant individuals all of them are in the lower standard zone. Apparently, such a state of <$Ebeta>-rhythm prevents the suppression of phagocytosis and cellular immunity and also causes the activation of humoral immunity under conditions of chronic stress. Additional preventive factors are the left-side lateralization of <$Ealpha>- and <$Etheta>-rhythms. Conclusions: we have proved that for the same states of the autonomic nervous system, the differences in immune responses to chronic stress due to the features of the EEGs parameters are markers of the individual reactivity.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е70*739.177.52*715.3 в73 + Р252.51


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