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Дуло О. А. 
Порівняльна характеристика аеробної та анаеробної продуктивності у дівчат низинних і гірських районів Закарпатської області залежно від компонентного складу тіла / О. А. Дуло // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2019. - № 2. - С. 51-58. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - укp.

The study of aerobic and anaerobic productivity of people in the post-paternal period of ontogenesis with a different somatotype who are living in the Transcarpathian region will allow to obtain the standards of physical health of girls that are relevant and socially significant. The purpose of the work was to compare the aerobic and anaerobic possibilities of girls in lowland and mountainous regions of Transcarpathian region, depending on the component composition of the body. The comparative analysis of the level of physical health in 220 girls of the post-pubertal period of ontogenesis, aged 16 to 20 years, was conducted. The number of surveyed girls in the mountainous regions of the Transcarpathian region was 102 people (46,4 %) and in the low-lying regions - 118 people (53,6 %). The method of bicycle ergometry was used to measure physical performance (PWC170), maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max). To estimate the level of aerobic productivity, the estimation scale of Y. P. Pyrnath was used. To estimate the capacity of the anaerobic lactate processes of the energy supply of the body, that is, the maximum amount of external work for 1 min (IPPC), the method of Shogy A., Cherebetin G. was used. The body mass composition was determined by using the Body Composition Monitor "Omron BF511" impedance method, which calculated the percentage of fat mass (subcutaneous and visceral fat) and the percentage of muscle mass. The results of the research indicate that the physical health of the girls living in the Transcarpathian region depends on the composition of the body, namely: the excellent level of aerobic productivity is observed in girls of mountain areas who have insufficient body weight with the normal relative fat content and the high relative content of skeletal muscle, at the normal level of visceral fat and as a result, the level of physical health exceeds the "critical level" according to G. L. Apanasenko and corresponds to "excellent" according to Y. P. Pyrnath. Since the process of performing some physical activity in the aerobic and anaerobic mode requires energy accumulated in the muscles, the presence of fat component in the girls in the mountainous area (under hypoxia) is a certain ballast as there is a need to increase the volume of oxygen for processes of fat oxidation and, as a result, in girls with the increase in relative fat content not only reduces the amount of maximum oxygen consumption, but also decreases the power of anaerobic alactate and lactate processes of energy body supply as well as the number of performed maximum external mechanical work during 1 min which is the indicator of anaerobic (lactate) performance of the body. Conclusions: the excellent level of the aerobic performance is observed in girls of low-lying areas with the normal body mass, with the high relative fat content and normal relative content of skeletal muscle, with the normal level of visceral fat. The presence of fat in the female population of low-lying areas provides energy for the muscle work which contributes to the better development of the muscular system. The high level of energy supply due to the high relative fat content causes the excellent level of physical health of girls in lowlands of the Transcarpathian areas.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е70*73*334


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