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Prykhodchenko V. F. 
Influence of local orogeny and reservoir characteristics of enclosing rocks on the location of gas traps within the coal bearing deposits = Вплив локальної складчастості й колекторських властивостей вміщуючих порід на розміщення газових пасток у вугленосних відкладах / V. F. Prykhodchenko, N. V. Khomenko, M. V. Zhykalyak, D. V. Prykhodchenko, L. O. Tokar // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 5. - С. 11-15. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To determine the nature of the effect of different-type local structures as well as reservoir characteristics of enclosing rocks in the location of gas traps within the coal bearing deposits of Pavlohrad-Petropavlivka and Krasnoarmiisk geological and industrial Donbas regions. Methodology. Analysis and classification of geological stock and published scientific sources. Developing and analyzing maps characterizing location of methane traps within coal bearing formation followed by the analysis of traps. Findings. Connection between location of positive methane bearing anomalies and free methane content within coal seams, and local plicative structures has been identified. The anomalies are connected with structures of both anticlinal and synclinal types. Difference in reservoir characteristics of roof rocks of coal seams within areas under study makes it possible to believe that argillites and aleurites of Krasnoarmiisk district are almost impermeable. If they occur in roof of local folds, they will favour methane conservation. In the context of Pavlohrad-Petropavlivka district, significant permeability of argillite and aleurites results in the fact that they cannot be a shield for folds; it concerns especially gentle folds where fractured zone is formed within arching. Rocks of upper share of a fold may become shield in local synclinal structures. Originality. It has been proved for the first time that in the neighborhood of anticlinal local structures, synclinal local structures of coal seams may have methane accumulations if impermeable rocks are available within the synclinal roof. Practical value. The determined regularities will help to enhance prognostic reliability of methane accumulations within the coal deposits.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д453.3-444


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