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Diomin V. F. 
Studying coal seam bedding tectonic breach impact on supporting parameters of mine workings with roof bolting = Дослідження впливу тектонічних порушень залягання вугільного пласта на параметри кріплення гірських виробок з анкерним кріпленням / V. F. Diomin, E. R. Khalikova, T. V. Diomina, V. V. Zhurov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 5. - С. 16-21. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Developing technological solutions for strengthening the weakened zone of rocks when crossing the tectonic breach zone by development workings (before entering and after exiting the breach) ensuring increased stability of rocks and reducing outburst risk. Methodology. Building a computational model of the unstable volume of rocks under investigation that are separated from the massif by weakening contacts, which is a mathematical representation of spatial distribution of breaches, workings, layers of rocks and coal layers. Numerical simulation for determining the load on working supports, for assessing the state of unstable roof spans that are in the zones of influence of disturbed (weakened) zones of coal seams occurrence. Findings. Technological solutions for metal-frame, combined supports and roof bolting for workings with different degrees of breach (weakening) of the rock massif are proposed, the expediency of driving workings through the broken areas using a combined supporting scheme with strengthening by an additional advance support is shown. Originality. A new technological solution has been proposed for driving mine workings by mounting anchors across the intended fracture lines of the immediate roof rocks, which provides a "contoured rigid" scheme that contributes to the development of a single monolithic structure that works as a unified rock-support system in mining. Practical value. The technology consists in the fact that development mine workings driven in the damaged reservoir are supported in front of the face by steel-polymer anchors mounted into the roof and sides of the working at the entrance, along the entire length of the zone and at the entrance and exit of the breach, which develops the zones of strengthened support and reduces defectiveness of the working contours. Strengthening the weakened zone of the massif is performed at the intersection of the tectonic breach zone by the underground mine cavity (at the entrance into the breach), in order to increase stabilization in front of the massif and reduce the outburst hazard.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И31 + И141.31


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