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Paliichuk I. I. 
Deformation of the long casing string on centralizers in the process of its installation in a horizontal well = Деформування довгої обсадної колони на центраторах при встановленні в горизонтальну свердловину / I. I. Paliichuk, B. S. Nezamay, H. D. Malyk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 5. - С. 47-54. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of a method for calculating parameters of a stress-deformed state of compressed casing pushed into a horizontal well during its construction. Methodology. The problem solution presupposes integrating the differential equation of the longitudinal bend of a long rod under its own weight. In the first approximation, reactions on the center-axis bearings are found disregarding the axial forces of friction. Our system of algebraic equations determines the deformation and force parameters at the sections between the supports based on the equations of the compatibility of the deformations and the equilibrium of the bending moments in the support sections. Findings. A general solution of the basic differential equation of deformations of a horizontal pipe column is found taking into account friction and axial forces acting during its lowering. It forms the basis for calculating bucklings, rotation angles of rod intersections, its internal bending moments and transverse forces at the sections between the supports. It also makes allowance for additional moments of frictional forces acting on the centralizers. The solution of the problem for the reverse motion of the casing column is found. Originality. The equation of connection between transverse and longitudinal forces in a long rod and reactions and forces of friction on supports is offered. The system of equations takes into account the equations of transverse forces, which allow determining the axial compressive forces simultaneously. The linearization method of the system of algebraic equations and its iterative solution with high accuracy is developed. Practical value. The obtained results take into account the requirements of the construction technology of a horizontal well. Formulas for calculating the optimal distance between the centralizers are derived. The influence of deviations of the well direction from the horizontal on the change of the stress-deformed state of the casing which allows oilmen to increase its reliability and durability is considered.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И131.041-5 + И131.121.6


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