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Matsyuk I. M. 
Substantiation of rational drive parameters for reliable operation of heavy-loaded mechanisms = Обгрунтування раціональних параметрів приводу для надійної роботи важконавантажених механізмів / I. M. Matsyuk, E. M. Shlyahov, O. I. Yehurnov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 5. - С. 55-59. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To evaluate the influence of driven crank parameters on the location of different sets of a mechanism with the fourth-class structural group. Methodology. A theoretical study on the influence of the input crank parameters on the positioning of different sets of the mechanism of a double-jaw crushing machine using the Mathcad software was carried out. Findings. It is shown that: the center of rotation and the length of the crank in the fourth-class mechanism should be positioned in a certain area; the choice of specific positioning of the crank can eliminate the dangerous proximity of two adjacent sets of the mechanisms of the fourth-class structural group. Originality. An algorithm of defining a zone of positioning the rotational center and length of a crank is determined for plain mechanisms of the fourth-class structural group. It has also been found that probability of spontaneous transition from one assembly to another closely-spaced assembly in heavy-loaded mechanisms can be reduced significantly by choosing the appropriate rotational center of a crank. Practical value. An algorithm of actions is proposed, which makes it possible to choose an assembly which ensures its good functioning during the synthesis of a plain heavy loaded mechanism of the fourth class.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К445-02


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