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Nesterenko M. P. 
Vibration platform for forming large-sized reinforced concrete products = Вібромайданчики для формування великорозмірних об'ємних залізобетонних виробів / M. P. Nesterenko, P. O. Molchanov, V. M. Savyk, M. M. Nesterenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 5. - С. 74-78. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of the mathematical model of the vibration machine for the formation of large-sized massive reinforced concrete products. Methodology. Theoretical studies were based on the use of the classical theory of mechanical system vibrations, solid media and applied mechanics. For the analysis of mathematical models, analytical and numerical methods with the use of PC were used. Findings. With the help of the mathematical study on the working body spatial movement, a dynamic model of the vibration platform in the form of a hard body based on elastic support is developed. The vibration platform is driven by three vibration generators, which are switched in pairs in turn after a given operating mode. The system of the electric drive is proposed according to the scheme of simultaneous alternating work of two vibration of vibration machines with improved performance indicators for the formation of large-sized reinforced concrete products. Differential equations were obtained which allow determining the parameters of each vibration generator to provide a given vibration amplitude of the vibration platform. Originality. The dynamic model of the vibrational stand based on elastic support and driven by three vibrational generators with pairwise alternating of their activation according to the given mode of operation has been obtained. Practical value. The rational parameters of each of three vibration exciters are determined to ensure the given amplitude of vibration of the vibration plate.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Н626.105.667-5


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