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Koriashkina L. S. 
On determining productive capacity of EV traction battery repair area = Визначення виробничої потужності дільниці ремонту тягової акумуляторної батареї електромобіля / L. S. Koriashkina, O. V. Deryugin, S. O. Fedoriachenko, S. I. Cheberiachko, M. A. Vesela // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 5. - С. 113-121. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To ensure the effective functioning of the area for diagnosis and repair of tractive electric vehicle (EV) battery by determining the technical and economic indicators of the production capacity of the enterprise. Methodology. Modelling the process of repairing section of the EV traction battery is performed using the main principles of the queuing system, the graph theory. While calculating the probability-time characteristics and determining the production capacity of the site, the methods of mathematical statistics and probability theory were involved. Findings. With the use of systematic approach, the EV market in Ukraine and the dynamics of the demand over the past three years have been studied. There was collected and analyzed information about issues related to the EV operation, and the most common ones were identified. Empirically, there was obtained an estimate for the duration of the process of repairing and replacing the EV traction battery, as well as the cost of basic operations. The battery repair section of the traction battery is represented as a multichannel queuing system, assuming that the flow of applications for diagnosing and repair is Poisson's flow, and the random process is Markovian. The problem of rational organization of the EV traction battery repair site has been solved by determining the minimum number of repair posts, at which the queue will not grow indefinitely (if customers can wait for their service for a long time and do not leave the queue). The number of repair posts was estimated for the traction battery, which in the existing conditions will allow organizing technical customer service effectively, minimizing the total economic losses from downtime of process equipment and refusals of applications for repairs. Originality. The use of models and methods of the queuing system for the calculation of technical and economic indicators of the production capacity of the traction battery repair section allowed taking into account the stochastic nature of the needs for repaire, and determining the optimal values of those characteristics that ensure the efficient performance of the EV repair section. Practical value. The proposed method for determining the production capacity of the repair section of traction battery is used in solving problems related to the selection and rational placement of technological equipment when designing or upgrading a workshop.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И16-5-048 + О333.2-083


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