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Vagonova O. G. 
Conceptual approach to financial support of regional territory infrastructure development = Концептуальний підхід до фінансового забезпечення розвитку інфраструктури регіональної території / O. G. Vagonova, V. I. Prokopenko, T. Yu. Vvedenska, I. O. Yaremchuk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 5. - С. 168-172. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Purpose. A theoretical overview of the conceptions related to financial support of the city government, as well as scientific and applied substantiation of the conditions necessary for the formation of the territorial infrastructure, which will enhance potential prospects of its enterprise development. Methodology. By way of scientific generalization, we have determined the peculiarities of using enterprise approach to creating the objects of territorial community infrastructure and developed an analytical approach to assessing the schedule of the received payment disbursement in terms of credit price, provided a quantitative assessment to different options of liabilities discharge. Findings. Analysis has been used to justify the dependence of the raised funds costs on the schedule of their disbursement. Economic prerequisites, which significantly influence the final results of the enterprise project, have been specified. Emphasis has been made on the possibility to optimize financial and credit relationships between business subjects and banks. The optimal interest rate, which ensures satisfactory demand for credit financing, has been identified. Feasibility of the accelerated schedule of credit resources disbursement has been proved for the conditions of putting the object into the starting operational capacity. Organizational and economic prerequisites of financial solutions to social problems associated with the territorial community demands were determined in terms of enterprise approach principles. Originality. It has been established that there is an analytical dependence between the total costs of the credit reimbursement and the term of the business object commissioning into operation. It was found that the crediting schedule (accelerated, regular, slow) influences the value of the involved costs. The advantages of using enterprise approach to implementation of projects related to the development of infrastructure on the community residential territory have been determined. Practical value. It was proposed to apply an alternative approach to ensuring development of the territorial community in conditions of limited target financing.

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